Sunday, November 7, 2010

Instructional Design Blogs

The three blogs I am adding to my blog are The Rapid E-Learning Blog, the Instructional Design & Development Blog, and finally Experiencing E-Learning Blog.  To give you a little bit of a brief overview of these three blogs I am adding would not be enough so I have added their hyperlinks as well for you to further read them. 

The Rapid E-Learning Blog shares practical tips and tricks to help you as an e-learner become a rapid e-learning professional.  It is this practical style that has drawn me to this blog with its topics that range from time saving tips to organization and management of e-learning.  These topics are both relevant as well as up to date.  This blog is hosted by Tom Kuhlmann who has over 15 years of hands-on experience in the training industry.

The Instructional Design & Development or is maintained by the Instructional Design and Development department at DePaul University. The site’s primary goal is to provide information on enhancing instruction through the use of technology.  More than 15 staff members are contributors to this blog giving its detailed and insightful posts.  I enjoy this blog simply by the variety that comes from these various contributors.  Each is skillful in the e-learning realm.

Experiencing E-Learning is a blog dedicated to Building Engaging Learning Experiences through Instructional Design and E-Learning.  It is hosted by Christy Tucker who is an instructional designer focused on developing engaging e-learning and blended learning. Although her career has always been related to education in some way, she has bounced around from public school teaching to corporate training and now online instructional design. Her blog won’t be restricted to any one of those areas because she’s interested in all of them.  With her extensive experience this is a great blog and the topics are well thought out and engaging.


  1. Jeremey,
    great site. I also found the blogs you covered, and thought they were excellent resources. I did think that there was a lot written about instructional methods, and elearning trends, but not a lot about Learning Management Systems.
    Your thoughts?

  2. Jeremey,
    I look forward to exploring your sites. This is a well-written piece with a lot of valuable information for us fledgling instructional designers!
